Tracking Your Order

Order Status

For the easiest and fastest way to get the most current information about your order, check the status of your order by visiting our Order Tracking page. Please note that order information may not appear on in your Order History for up to 1 hour after the order has been submitted.

When you click on "Order Tracking," you will be prompted to log in with your email address and password. Once you have logged in, the Order History page will provide you with detailed information about your current and past orders. After your order has been shipped, your tracking number, if available, will be displayed. This number allows you to check the shipping status of your order through the shipping company. Shipping companies may not have the ability to track a number for up to 48 hours.

After your order has been shipped, your tracking number, if available, will be displayed. You can click on the tracking number to check the shipping status of your order through the shipping company. Please note that a shipping company may not have the ability to track a number for up to 48 hours.


Tracking Your Order


At our warehouse, tracking numbers are assigned, when applicable, to packages immediately and generally appear on our website along with your order information. However, it may take up to 48 hours before the package is checked into the carrier's tracking system. Even though your package has already shipped from our warehouse and is on its way to the shipping destination, the carrier may not be able to provide any tracking information for your package for up to 48 hours.

Orders placed on may be delivered by one of several different carriers and shipping methods. Tracking availability may vary depending on the item(s) you purchased, the shipping method(s) selected during Checkout, and the carrier that is delivering your item(s).


Occasionally, orders are delivered via a carrier that does not offer the ability to track a package. In these instances, your Order History on will not offer tracking information but will still offer order status and other details.

To learn the difference between tracking information and order status, please read the information provided below.


The status of your order is easy to find.

Check your email. You are required to enter an email address during Checkout, so that you may receive emails regarding the status of your order.

Visit the website. You may sign in at for your Order History at any time. Information about your open orders, tracking, and past orders is available.

Contact us. If you still have questions about your order, please contact Customer Service.


The status of your order is supplied by . It represents your order's progress between the time it is placed and the time it ships from our warehouse.

Once your order leaves our warehouse, a carrier can handle it that may provide tracking information until your order is delivered. Please note that tracking information may not be available for up to 48 hours after an item is shipped from our warehouse. Tracking information is accessible from your Order History on our website when it becomes available.

All questions regarding a package's status with a tracking number should be directed to the shipping company. To contact the shipping company, simply click on the tracking number. You will then be redirected to their website where contact information is available.


Emails About Your Order

After you place your order, you will receive email updates about your order status. Keep these emails accessible for your records. Here are examples of emails you might receive:

Order Confirmation: This email confirms that we have received your order. If you have not received your order confirmation, please try the following trouble shooting options:

  • Login to your account to ensure the order went through. (If the order was placed while you were logged in)  
  • Check your junk and spam folders to look for the email
  • Check your bank/credit card statement for an order pre-authorization amount

Payment confirmation (e-Receipt): This email confirms that your item/s have been paid for once they are ready to ship. This is the actual payment being processed from the pre-authorization that was initiated when the order was placed. If your items ship from multiple locations, you will see a charge and receive an e-Receipt for each shipment. You will only be charged for items within each shipment.  

Shipment Confirmation: This email confirms that some or all of your order has shipped. You may receive multiple Shipment Confirmation emails if items are shipped separately. The arrival time of your items depends on various factors including processing time, carrier processing time, and/or the shipping destination.

Ready for pick up: If you placed an order for in-store pick up, you will receive this email to advise that your items are ready to be picked up at the location that was selected during the ordering process.  

Order update: This email provides important updates about your order, such as: difficulty in processing your order; inability to ship to the address provided; or cancellation of items within an order.